
Package org.dlese.dpc.index.writer

Interface Summary
DocWriter Abstract class for creating a typed Lucene Document.

Class Summary
ADNFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from an ADN-item metadata source file.
DleseAnnoFileIndexingServiceWriter Creates a Lucene Documents for a DLESE annotation record.
DleseIMSFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from a DLESE-IMS XML source file.
ErrorFileIndexingWriter Writes a Lucene Document that represents an error that has occured in in indexing a File.
FileIndexingServiceWriter Abstract class for creating customized Lucene Documents for different file formats such as DLESE-IMS, ADN-item, ADN-collection, etc.
HarvestLogWriter Writes a Lucene Document that holds information about a harvest.
ItemFileIndexingWriter Abstract class for writing a Lucene Document for a collection of item-level metadata records of a specific format (DLESE IMS, ADN-Item, ADN-Collection, etc).
SimpleXMLFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from any XML file by stripping the XML tags to extract and index the content.
WebLogWriter Writes a Lucene Document that holds information about a client request to an HTTP servlet.
XMLFileIndexingWriter Creates a Lucene Document from any XML file by stripping the XML tags to extract and index the content.
